Hi there!

I grew up in Budapest, Hungary, and in the Midwest, both feel like home to me in their own way. I have worked in ministry for over 10 years and graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity and a Master in Educational Ministries. I also have completed a graduate certificate in Spiritual Direction through Lipscomb University’s Institute for Christian Spirituality. I enjoy paying attention to and creating beauty, whether that’s found in architecture, a good meal, or conversation, art, nature, music, stories, hosting, or decor.

Melissa’s Story

My journey to spiritual direction has been fueled by my curiosity about how God speaks in personal, creative ways that align with who he has already revealed himself to be through his Word. I longed for a deeper experience of his attentive presence with me. As someone who has both received spiritual direction as a directee and directed others, I have learned that God is engaging with us all the time. He is inviting us to cultivate eyes to see and ears to hear him. He has already made the first move toward us.

Another milestone along my journey to spiritual direction was burnout. I had served in ministry for ten years and was tired to my core. I knew I needed fresh input in my life and a place to fall apart, a new season of working toward something I cared deeply about. This led me to sign up for classes at Covenant Theological Seminary.

During my time at Covenant, I heard about spiritual direction and felt my soul lift a little. I desired to find rest and healing in Jesus for my burnout. I desired to enjoy God in fresh, creative ways alongside studying his Word. I desired to grow in knowing and trusting myself as I enriched my trust in God. I was already seeing a counselor regularly and experiencing fruit from that hard work, but I longed to specifically focus on God’s attunement to me and to nurture my attachment with him. 

I began to meet with a spiritual director and over time made new memories with God that I cherish. Healing came through being with Jesus and enjoying His delight in me. I felt as though my soul was starving for a nutritious meal, but I was too tired to prepare it for myself. My director would set the table for my soul to commune with God, Jesus, and Spirit. This communion with God, both in the hour of spiritual direction and outside of it, mostly happened in small, gentle, ordinary ways, but over time those moments added up and began to shape my relationship with God.

After experiencing spiritual direction for myself I realized that I longed to help carve out this space for others. My certification program at Lipscomb University rooted my practice in rich history of Christian spiritual formation, and connected me to like minded spiritual directors across the country.

However you find yourself - burned out, weary, doubting, angry, longing, or simply curious - it would be my honor to carve out a space for you to practice the art of noticing God’s presence in your life. 

Serving as your director does not mean feeding you ‘right answers,’ spiritual platitudes, or advising you on what you should do, rather it is my job to truly listen to you as we both listen to God together. It is my job to create space for you to slow down, reflect, notice, pray, and to become curious alongside you as to how the true director is engaging with you and what he is inviting you to. I believe that he has already made the first move toward you and is gently inviting you to respond.